Variables can be used to customize the text used in embeds and discord webhook text. Variables allow allow certain modifiers, that modify their appearance.
Available Variables
Here is a list of all the variables you can use.
Some variables may not work in some cases
User Variables
Notation | Type | Description |
{} | int | The user's ID |
{user.username} | string | The user's username |
{user.token} | string | The user's token |
{user.administrator} | bool | Whether the user is an administrator |
{user.superAdmin} | bool | Whether the user is a super administrator |
{user.systemTheme} | string | The user's system theme |
{user.ratelimit} | date | The user's ratelimit, will return {unknown_property} if not ratelimited |
{user.totpSecret} | string | The user's TOTP secret, will return {unknown_property} if none set. Unavailable in certain cirumstances |
File Variables
Notation | Type | Description |
{} | int | The file's ID |
{} | string | The file's name |
{file.originalName} | string? | The file's original name. Returns {unknown_property} if no original name exists for this file. |
{file.mimetype} | string | The file's mimetype |
{file.createdAt} | date | The file's creation date |
{file.expiresAt} | date | The file's expiration date |
{file.maxViews} | int | The file's maximum views |
{file.views} | int | The file's current views |
{file.favorite} | bool | Whether the file is favorited |
{file.embed} | bool | Whether the file will be embedded |
{file.format} | string | The file's format (RANDOM, etc) |
{file.userId} | int | The file's owner's ID |
{file.size} | int | The file's size in bytes. It is recommended to use the bytes modifier on this variable. |
Url Variables
Notation | Type | Description |
{} | int | The URL's ID |
{url.destination} | string | The URL's destination |
{url.createdAt} | date | The URL's creation date |
{url.vanity} | string | The URL's vanity |
{url.maxViews} | int | The URL's maximum views |
{url.views} | int | The URL's current views |
{url.userId} | int | The URL's owner's ID |
Modifiers are noted by a ::
after a variable, for example if you wanted to make a variable uppercase, you would use {}
Modifiers do not work on {link}
and {raw_link}
Notation | Description | Example Output |
locale | Returns the date in the systems locale | 12/11/2022, 3:07:42 PM |
time | Returns the time in the systems locale | 3:07:42 PM |
date | Returns the date in the systems locale | 12/11/2022 |
unix | Returns the date in unix time | 1639129662 |
iso | Returns the date in ISO 8601 format | 2022-12-11T15:07:42.000Z |
utc | Returns the date in UTC | Sun, 11 Dec 2022 23:08:57 GMT |
year | Returns the year | 2022 |
month | Returns the month | 12 |
day | Returns the day | 11 |
hour | Returns the hour | 15 |
minute | Returns the minute | 7 |
second | Returns the second | 42 |
Notation | Description | Example Output |
upper | Uppercases | HELLO |
lower | Lowercases | hello |
title | Capitalizes | Hello |
length | Returns the length of the string | 5 |
reverse | Reverses the string | olleh |
base64 | Encodes the string in base64 | aGVsbG8= |
hex | Encodes the string in hex | 68656c6c6f |
Notation | Description | Example Output |
comma | Adds commas to the number | 1,000 |
hex | Converts the number to hex | 3e8 |
binary | Converts the number to binary | 1111101000 |
octal | Converts the number to octal | 1750 |
bytes | Converts the number to human readable byte format | 1 KB |
Notation | Description | Example Output |
yesno | Converts the bool to yes/no | yes |
onoff | Converts the bool to on/off | on |
truefalse | Converts the bool to true/false | true |
Type in any variable below to test out the variables.
administrator (1) uploaded test.png (11.9 MB) (original name: originalNameWow.png) at 21:27 today
{"user": {"administrator": true,"id": 1,"username": "administrator","token": "qwertyuiopasdfghjkzxcvbnm","superAdmin": true,"systemTheme": "default","ratelimit": "2023-12-08T21:27:28.198Z","totpSecret": "1234567890","domains": []},"file": {"id": 1,"mimetype": "image/png","name": "test.png","originalName": "originalNameWow.png","createdAt": "2023-12-08T21:27:28.198Z","expiresAt": "2023-12-08T21:47:28.198Z","maxViews": 100,"views": 2,"favorite": true,"embed": true,"format": "RANDOM","userId": 1,"size": 12456789},"url": {"id": 2,"destination": "","vanity": "google","createdAt": "2023-12-08T21:27:28.198Z","maxViews": 100,"views": 2,"userId": 1},"link": "","raw_link": ""}
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Last updated: 8/4/2023
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